lunes, 15 de marzo de 2010

Podando el ánimo / Pruning the mood

A mí me pasa...

Haces que el pelo caiga y crees tener delante a un yo distinto. Ves las cosas con otra perspectiva, quizá con el ingenuo pensamiento de que la persona al otro lado del espejo ha cambiado en su integridad con un par de tijeretazos. Un pensamiento tranquilizador, sí.

A veces la necesidad de catarsis es tan grande que necesitamos cortar de raíz.
Hay pelambreras tan bonitas que no deberían de ser mutiladas así, no...
It happens to me sometimes...

You have your hair fallen and you think that there is someone different in front of you. You see things from another perspective, perhaps with the naive thought that the person in the other side of the mirror has changed to the roots with a pair of cuts with the scissors. A reassuring thought, yes.

Sometimes the need of catharsis is so great that we need to nip in the bud.
Billiard Ball.
There are such beautiful long hair which should not be mutilated like that, no...

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